We stopped at a couple of floating gift shops on the way home. One with jungle animals to hold. 

The other a little tamer. 

Then back to the city where the port was jammed. 

Every few minutes a street vendor tried to come on board to sell us something. They are everywhere and there are not a lot of tourists. They are selling to other Brazilians. 

The boat on our left was loading stuff to carry up river. Someone was doing paperwork but given how it was all shoved in I don’t see how stuff gets to the right place. 

We saw a tugboat pushing two barges full of semitrailers. One was FedEx!  Apparently they go somewhere up river and are emptied and/or loaded and come back by river. 

I won’t call this life changing for me as I’m very stubborn but it has certainly made me think. I might have changed another persons life. Rex left an order for more small boats. We’ll see what happens. 

I will be back.